Saturday, 13 February 2016

Call for Help - Appel à solidarité

Aidez-nous à sauver la jambe de cette grand-mère en participant à notre Cagnotte. Merci à tous.
Please help this Grandmother to save her leg by contributing to our small fundraisin on Leechi. Thanks to all of you

 Pour participer -to participate : 
(En français et en anglais)

Khat Mao
L’Association Shanty Town Spirit, qui vient en aide aux familles démunies des bidonvilles de Phnom Penh, a, lors d’une visite dans la province de Kandal,  découvert Khat Mao, une grand-mère de soixante-sept ans vivant au sein d’une communauté très pauvre au sein de laquelle les salaires sont d’environ  150 dollars mensuels.

Ces cinq dernières années, Khat Mao est restée cloîtrée dans sa maison en raison d’un ulcère veineux persistent à la cheville. Les complications liées provoquent des douleurs qui l’empêchent de marcher. Si elle doit se déplacer, ses voisins la portent. L’infection a déjà nécessité l’amputation d’un orteil. Pour sauver sa jambe qui risque à terme d’être atteinte, Khat Mao a besoin d’un traitement quotidien d’antibiotiques par intraveineuse. Lire la suite

Shanty Town Spirit found this 67 year old grandmother named Khat Mao in the Cambodian rural province of Kandal.  She lives in a very poor community where the average wages is around USD 150 per month.  For the past 5 years she has been housebound due to an ulcerated ankle wound that will not heal. She can no longer walk because of the pain and relies on her neighbors to physically pick her up and carry outside each day. The infection from the wound has circulated into her blood stream and she has already had one finger amputated as a result.

She does not want to lose her leg too. This lady requires ongoing intravenous antibiotic treatment in order to fight the infection and save her leg. Since meeting her a few weeks ago, Shanty Town Spirit have been paying for her daily injections. It costs USD 11 per day for her to go to and from the clinic and receive her antibiotics. The course of treatment required is a minimum of 3 months and doctors estimate that due to the severity of the infection, it could take up to 9 months to resolve. Read more
Location: Cambodia


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