Tuesday 2 August 2016

Shanty Town Spirit visit the training center in Takeo Province

The team of Shanty Town Spirit had the pleasure to visit again the training center Mercy in Takeo Province.
It was amazing to share a moment with the boys.
Shanty Town Spirit want to create trusty links with the Mercy organization, in the aim to develop their actions.
During this visit we provide the children some hygiene, school materials and clothes as we do for the kids in Phnom Penh.
Here some pictures of this beautiful day in the center with the children, Ermine, Jenna, Maira, Arun, Bodet and Savorn.

L'association Shanty Town Spirit en visite dans le centre de formation de la province de Takeo.

L'équipe de Shanty Town Spirit a eu le plaisir de visiter le centre de formation de la province de Takeo. Partager un moment avec ces enfants a été un moment très particulier pour notre équipe, Nous espérons pouvoir aider le centre de formation et de créer de vrais liens de confiance avec l'organisme. Durant notre visite nous avons fournis aux enfants des fournitures scolaires, des vêtements ou encore du matériel d'hygiène, car comme nous le faisons pour nos familles à Phnom Penh, nous souhaitons aussi assurer à ses enfants l'éducation et la santé.
Voici ci dessous  quelques photos de cette belle journee au centre avec les enfants, Ermine, Jenna, Maira, Arun, Bodet et Savorn

Shanty Town team and the kids in the center
Shanty Town team and the kids in the center
Shanty Town team with Mr. Savorn director of center and kids
Shanty Town team with Mr. Savorn director of the center and the kids
Ms. Maira talking with the kids in center
Ms. Maira talking with the kids in the center
Shanty Town team bring some gifts for the kids
Shanty Town team bring some gifts for the kids
The kids are happy with his new clothes and school equipments
The kids are happy with his new clothes and school equipments

If you wish to help and support our program,

click on the Donate button

or contact

Ermine Norodom : +855 (0) 90 22 74 33 (French & English)


Phirun Prak (Arun) : +855 (0) 96 663 6666 (English & Khmer)


Thank you

Location: Takeo, Cambodia


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