December 2021Why do good if you can do great .
A good example of collaboration between Intercoiffure Suisse with Conny Fabbricatore, Marina Kurz,Arya Vong Kim - L'Oréal Professionnel & Guinot Beauty Salon, and ShantyTown Spirit Ermine Norodom Association.
Thank you for for your support!
A life changing adventure begins today.
Why do good if you can do great 💪🥰.
One Spirit, One Heart, One Community
You can help us by sponsoring the Shanty Town Spirit program:
To support communities in improving their quality of life.
Email us
Contact Ermine Norodom: +855 (0) 17 49 27 19 (French and English)
Make a donation
ABA account 000143748
Or PayPal us
Aryavongkim, Cambodia, collaboration, educationforlife, hairbeauty, intercoiffuresuisse, suisse