NGO - Partner - Movie : The Other lives of Kattia
The movie about the life of Kattia Huy, president of our friend NGO Cambodia for United Children's. The trials Kattiamoni went through during her childhood in Cambodia, naturally designated her to be the perfect ambassador for disadvantaged children in Siem Reap and then to become the president of United for Cambodian Children.
Kattia Huy with kids from BOeung Trabek slums |
Indeed, the life of this girl from an influential and wealthy family changed dramatically on April 17, 1975, the day of the capture of Phnom Penh by the Khmer Rouge and the beginning of a regime of terror that was going to decimate more than three million Cambodians. Since that day, the life of Kattiamoni has radically changed.
After overcoming the abominable living conditions imposed by the Pol Pot men, she managed to flee to Vietnam and then to Europe. Over there, she had to relearn freedom, happiness and forgiveness. After years of reconstruction, today more than ever, Kattiamoni wants to help the children of his country through the NGO United for Cambodian Children, offering them access to education and an environment in which to build a decent future for the following generations.
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Phnom Penh, Cambodia