Monday 16 November 2015

Norodom Ermine, Danay and Arun paid a surprise visit to the Shanty Town Spirit

On Monday 9th November, Ermine, Danay and Arun paid a surprise visit to the shanty town. They distributed school uniforms, blankets, mats and other everyday items to the sponsored families. All family members were grateful to receive these essential goods & it put a smile of their faces. Arun discussed with some of the members how they can get a governmental health card which entitles them to access some free health treatment. With your help we can carry on to help these families. Don't hesitate to push the donate button on the Shanty Town Spirit page. Thank you again to all our Shanty Town sponsors for all your kind help & generosity!

School uniforms,  blankets, mosquito nets and everyday items for people in the slum
School uniforms,  blankets, mosquito nets and everyday items for people in the slum
Student equipments and shirts for kids in the slum
Student equipments and shirts for kids in the slum
Norodom Ermine with people in the slum
Norodom Ermine with people in the slum
Norodom Ermine with people in the slum
Norodom Ermine with people in the slum
Norodom Ermine with people in the slum
Norodom Ermine with people in the slum 
Norodom Ermine with people in the slum
Norodom Ermine with people in the slum
Norodom Ermine and Ms. Danay with people in the slum
Norodom Ermine and Ms. Danay with people in the slum
Arun with people in the slum
Arun with people in the slum
Srey Nett try her new school uniform
Srey Nett try her new school uniform 
Grandmom Pul Ouk and her grand daughter with student equipments
Grandmom Pul Ouk and her grand daughter with student equipments
Grandmom Pul Ouk expresses her deeply thank to all sponsors
Grandmom Pul Ouk expresses her deeply thank to all sponsors
Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia


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